Estimating - Cost planning - Assurance - Advisory
Infrastructure - Construction - Building Sectors

Estimating - Cost Planning - Assurance - Advisory
Strength and depth from rail, highways, water to flood defences. With a background in Civil Engineering transitioned into nearly twenty years of estimating and cost planning gives us the edge and confidence in my service offering.
Get in touch today.
Key Estimating Ltd strives to solve the critical issues facing clients, both large and small. Providing a broad range of services and solutions to help organisations facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity.
Using Power Bi as our analytical tool and visual for clients. Tailored to your organisations requirements. Giving you the edge in data visuals, starting the right conversation around estimating and cost management.
We use various estimating software packages and cost planning tools to driving consistency, clarity and integrity in your pricing/budgeting requirements.
Holiday - Sickness - Absence.
Remove the worry of staff absence and work load peaks.
Setting your standard and process to success.
Every successful project requires a consistent approach to delivery.
Service offerings include -
Risk identification and mitigation.
Risk valuation and cost ranges.
Simple and effective dashboard analysis .
Advice on the best suitable contract route for procurement.
Managing and driving opportunity.
How to define a realistic and robust baseline.
Definition of time related cost items and temporary works levels.
Design maturity model and RAG status report.
Clear and defined process and the correct ownership.
Lets get you to a place where you can successfully deliver with confidence.
For a full list of services available get in touch.
Have you hit your target?
Key Estimating provide a truly independent review of your project cost build up.
Whether its a detailed Target Cost or via a Schedule of Rates route, my experience in cost build up and application of your contract supported with industry data will give you a non-confrontational route to agreeing an accurate baseline.
All cost assurance reviews come with a detailed report and executive summary tailored to your expectations.
Don't hesitate, get it assured.
Also available is additional support from our design management partners, providing an all round independent engineering and cost review assurance service.
For confidence in cost and a greater awareness of risk and opportunity on your project get in touch.
The key to growth and success
All of our service offerings are only achievable through clear and honest communication.
By agreeing a project delivery plan based on the principles behind project success right at the start, setting in stone a collaborative forum for communication we can make a positive impact to your project success.
Expert Guidance
Training and guidance on the following.
Cost Planning Technical reports, executive summary level briefings.
Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works (MCHW) alongside Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB).
Rail Method of Measurement (RMM).
Time related costs assessments.
Temporary Works cost assessments.
Design Maturity Assessments.
Risk and uncertainty.
For a full understanding of our services.